Lean Product Process: Scale Your Startup Successfully

7 min read
Oct 16, 2024 11:26:30 PM

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, maintaining product-market fit while scaling is crucial for any startup aiming to dominate their market.

Dan Olsen's Lean Product Process, originally created to help companies achieve initial product-market fit (Lean Product Playbook), can be powerfully adapted for scaling startups. This blog post explores how to leverage an adapted Lean Product Process for scaling and highlights its importance within the Product Pillar of the Scaleup Methodology.

The Lean Product Process for Scaling While Olsen's original process focused on achieving initial product-market fit, scaling startups can adapt it to ensure continued alignment with evolving market demands as they grow.

The adapted process consists of six steps: Re-evaluate Your Target Customer, Identify Scaling Opportunities, Redefine Your Value Proposition, Specify Your Scaling Feature Set, Create Your Scaling Prototype, and Test Your Scaled Product.

By following these steps, companies can systematically reduce risks associated with scaling, improve product-market fit at a larger scale, and increase the chances of building successful products that can support rapid growth.

Lean Product Process

Step 1: Re-evaluate Your Target Customer For scaling startups, understanding how the target customer evolves is crucial. This involves reassessing and expanding the specific segments of customers that the scaled product is intended to serve. Understanding how the target customer changes during scaling is vital because it allows companies to adapt their product development efforts to meet the evolving needs and preferences of a growing and diversifying user base.

To re-evaluate the target customer, companies should conduct thorough, updated market research, including demographic analysis, psychographic profiling, and customer interviews across their expanded user base. This research helps create detailed, updated customer personas that represent the ideal users of the scaled product. These personas should include information about how customers' demographics, behaviors, motivations, and pain points may have evolved during the scaling process. By clearly redefining the target customer for scale, companies can ensure their product development efforts remain focused on serving specific, well-understood market segments as they grow.

Step 2: Identify Scaling Opportunities Once the evolving target customer is defined, the next step is to identify scaling opportunities. These are the specific areas where the product can expand to meet the needs of a larger, more diverse customer base. Understanding these opportunities is critical because it allows companies to develop a product that offers significant value across multiple segments or markets.

To identify scaling opportunities, companies should engage in deep customer research across their expanded user base, including surveys, interviews, and observational studies. The goal is to uncover how customer challenges and frustrations may have evolved as the company has grown, and identify new needs that have emerged in different market segments or geographical areas. By identifying these scaling opportunities, companies can develop a product strategy that supports sustained growth and meets the specific needs of an expanding customer base.

Step 3: Redefine Your Value Proposition The value proposition for a scaling startup must evolve to address the needs of an expanding customer base while staying true to the core offering. It articulates how the scaled product will solve problems or improve situations for a larger, more diverse group of customers in a way that is significantly better than existing alternatives. A strong, scalable value proposition is essential for attracting and retaining customers across multiple segments or markets.

To develop a compelling value proposition for scale, companies should focus on the unique benefits that their product offers to an expanded customer base. This involves differentiating the product from competitors in new markets or segments, highlighting its ability to serve diverse needs, and emphasizing its scalability. The redefined value proposition should be concise, clear, and focused on addressing the scaling opportunities identified in the previous step. By clearly redefining the value proposition, companies can ensure that their product development efforts are aligned with the specific needs and preferences of their expanding target customer base.

Step 4: Specify Your Scaling Feature Set With a redefined value proposition in place, the next step is to define the scaling feature set. This includes the specific functionalities and capabilities that the product needs to support growth and deliver value to an expanded customer base. Prioritizing features based on their ability to support scaling, meet diverse needs, and deliver the promised value is crucial for successful product development at scale.

To define the scaling feature set, companies should use techniques such as user story mapping, prioritization matrices, and scalability assessments. The goal is to identify the core features that are essential for delivering the value proposition across multiple segments or markets, and to develop a product that can efficiently serve a growing and diverse customer base. Additional features can be added to support specific market segments or geographical areas. By focusing on a scalable feature set, companies can quickly develop and test products that meet the critical needs of their expanding target customer base.

Step 5: Create Your Scaling Prototype Once the scaling feature set is defined, the next step is to create a prototype of the scaled product. This prototype should demonstrate how the product adapts to increased demand, new market segments, or geographical expansion. It should be used to test scaling assumptions with both existing and potential new customers, and gather feedback on its ability to meet diverse needs effectively.

Creating a scaling prototype involves developing a version of the product that includes the essential features and functionalities needed to support growth. This prototype should be designed to be easily adjustable based on feedback from diverse customer groups, allowing companies to iterate and improve the product quickly as they scale. The goal is to create a prototype that can be tested with customers across multiple segments or markets to validate scaling assumptions and gather insights on how to enhance the product for growth.

Step 6: Test Your Scaled Product The final step in the adapted Lean Product Process is to test the scaled product with both existing and potential new customers. This involves conducting usability tests and gathering feedback from diverse user groups to validate scaling assumptions and learn from their experiences. By testing the scaled product with a broad range of customers, companies can identify any issues or areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to support continued growth.

Testing the scaled product involves conducting usability tests, surveys, and interviews to gather feedback on the product's ability to meet diverse needs effectively. The goal is to understand how different customer groups interact with the product, identify any pain points or areas for improvement in various contexts, and gather insights on how to enhance the product to better support scaling. By iterating on the prototype based on this diverse feedback, companies can continuously improve the product and ensure that it meets the needs of their expanding customer base.

Lean Product Process and the Scaleup Methodology The Scaleup Methodology is a comprehensive framework designed to help organizations transform their product development processes and achieve long-term success at scale. One of its core pillars is the Product Pillar, which focuses on developing winning product strategies, viable business models, and products that meet market needs across multiple segments or markets.

The adapted Lean Product Process is a crucial component of this pillar, providing a structured approach to maintaining and improving product-market fit during rapid growth.

By integrating the adapted Lean Product Process into the Scaleup Methodology, companies can ensure that their product development efforts are aligned with the demands of a growing and diversifying market. The systematic approach of this adapted process helps scaling organizations to:

  • Re-evaluate and understand their evolving target customers, ensuring that product development efforts are focused on meeting the needs of expanding and diverse segments.
  • Uncover scaling opportunities, allowing companies to develop products that offer significant value across multiple markets or segments.
  • Redefine a compelling value proposition that clearly communicates the benefits of the scaled product and differentiates it from competitors in various markets.
  • Define a scaling feature set that prioritizes functionalities based on their ability to support growth and deliver value to an expanded customer base.
  • Create a scaling prototype that can be tested with diverse customer groups to validate scaling assumptions and gather feedback.
  • Test the scaled product with a broad range of customers, iterate based on diverse feedback, and continuously improve the product to ensure it meets the needs of an expanding target customer base.

Incorporating the adapted Lean Product Process into the Scaleup Methodology ensures that companies have a clear and structured approach to maintaining product-market fit as they scale. This alignment not only helps in building successful digital product companies but also ensures that these companies can scale with speed and simplicity across multiple markets or segments.


The adapted Lean Product Process is an invaluable framework for any scaling startup looking to maintain product-market fit and build successful digital products that support rapid growth.

By following this structured approach, organizations can systematically address each critical component of product-market fit at scale, from understanding their evolving target customers to delivering a compelling user experience across diverse markets or segments.

Integrating this adapted framework into the Product Pillar of the Scaleup Methodology ensures that scaling companies are well-equipped to meet the demands of growing and diversifying markets, driving sustained growth and long-term success.

Whether you are a startup founder facing the challenges of rapid growth or an established business leader looking to scale your product offerings, the adapted Lean Product Process is a must-use tool for achieving product excellence and staying ahead of the competition in multiple markets.


This blog post was initially generated using Inno Venture AI, an advanced artificial intelligence engine designed to support digital product development processes. Our internal team has subsequently reviewed and refined the content to ensure accuracy, relevance, and alignment with our company's expertise.

Inno Venture AI is a cutting-edge AI solution that enhances various aspects of the product development lifecycle, including intelligent assistance, predictive analytics, process optimization, and strategic planning support. It is specifically tailored to work with key methodologies such as ADAPT Methodology® and Scaleup Methodology, making it a valuable tool for startups and established companies alike.

Inno Venture AI is currently in development and will soon be available to the public. It will offer features such as intelligent product dashboards, AI-enhanced road mapping, smart task prioritization, and automated reporting and insights. If you're interested in being among the first to access this powerful AI engine, you can register your interest at https://innoventure.ai/.